Crown of thorns, or euphorbia, is a striking tropical succulent shrub. It has pink, white, yellow, and orange flowers. Place in direct sunlight for several hours a day to encourage flowering. As a succulent, it retains water, so water only when the top 1 to 2 inches of soil feels dry.
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Related: 10 types of succulents you should know about
There are many types of Hoya, but all of them produce clusters of cute star-shaped flowers. This one has gorgeous white variegation with pink accents, making it colorful even when it's not in bloom. Provide bright, indirect light and water only when the top few inches of soil are dry.
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Related: 50 Beautiful White Flowers to Plant in Your Garden
With heart-shaped leaves and pretty flowers in red, pink, and white, this plant is a must-have. The flowers that have changed leaves actually continue to bloom for several months. This hardy plant is almost always in bloom.
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Related: Top 30 easy-to-grow houseplants
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Credit: American Plant Exchange
Desert roses are striking succulents with large trumpet-shaped flowers. It requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight, so consider a grow light if you don't have adequate natural light. As a succulent, water sparingly and only when the top few inches of soil feel dry.
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Related: 20 Best Grow Lights for Indoor Plants
Phalaenopsis orchids may look delicate, but they are not as fragile as they seem. Flowers bloom for months and can last for years with little care. They prefer bright, indirect light (east- or west-facing windows are best). Water once a week until water runs out from the bottom of the pot.
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Related: How to care for orchids to keep them blooming
Bromeliads are fun and funky plants related to pineapples. The impressive flowers, or bracts, continue to bloom for a very long time. They need lots of bright, indirect light (they can't tolerate low light) and water every 1-2 weeks. Allow it to dry between watering.
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Related: 10 Best Types of Bromeliads to Grow
Shamrocks produce lots of cute, star-shaped flowers. The leaves of the plant are green or burgundy in color. Give it bright indirect light and keep it slightly damp. Most shamrock species grown from bulbs go dormant several times a year. Stop watering and place the plant in a cool, dark place. Once you see new growth, return the shamrock to a bright spot and resume watering.
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Related: How to care for shamrock plants
This attractive plant with heart-shaped leaves and pretty butterfly-like flowers adds a splash of color to winter days. Cyclamen require bright indirect light and prefer slightly damp conditions. Like a shamrock, it goes dormant. Place it in a cool place and don't water it for two months, then put it back in the light and start watering it again. If I'm lucky, it will bloom again. If that sounds like a lot of work, enjoy them while they bloom and compost them when the color fades.
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Related: 17 winter flowers that thrive even in the cold
This plant flowers and bears fruit! Calamandine orange is a hybrid of kumquat and mandarin. Its dainty, highly fragrant flowers bloom year-round and grow into cute, edible oranges about an inch long, perfect for cocktails. Give it some bright light (preferably a grow light) and let it dry out a little between waterings.
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Related: How to grow a lemon tree from seed
Credit: American Plant Exchange
These old favorites have been popular for decades and can actually last that long. The exotic-looking flowers come in a variety of shades, from pure white to coral, pink, and red. Different types bloom at different times of the year, including Thanksgiving and Easter. They prefer bright indirect light. Water when the soil feels almost dry.
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Related: How to make your Thanksgiving cactus bloom beautifully
This succulent has glossy green leaves and bright red, yellow, pink, or orange flowers that bloom for weeks. It grows best in bright, indirect light and likes to dry out between waterings. Cut off the flower heads when they begin to drop and enjoy the leaves all year round. Or compost it as it is difficult to rebloom.
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Related: How to care for succulents
Credit: Christina Schmidhofer
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Credit: Costa Farm
With glossy green leaves and spoon-shaped white flowers, this low-maintenance houseplant has become a classic. Given the right conditions, these plants can last for years with little care. Peace lilies tolerate low to medium light, but tend to bloom better in bright, filtered light. Keep the soil slightly moist.
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Related: How to care for peace lily plants
Also known as abutilon, this plant produces papery red, yellow, pink, or peach blossoms. It prefers bright, indirect light, preferably near a window with south or west exposure. Water when the top inch of soil feels dry. It usually takes a few years for the plant to become leggy and unattractive.
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RELATED: 12 Flowers That Are Poisonous to Pets
Although amaryllis may be thought of as a holiday plant, there are actually many varieties that bloom at other times of the year as well. Provide bright, indirect light and water when the top few inches of soil are dry.
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Related: How to plant amaryllis, forcing bulbs, and care tips
A relative of the amaryllis, this graceful flower has long-lasting orange or yellow flowers and glossy leaves. It tolerates most light conditions and prefers to dry out between waterings. Although it has a long lifespan, it is difficult to get it to bloom again. Place it outside in the fall and move it to the coolest room in the house before the first frost. Keep it dry until mid-winter, then gradually increase water. Flowers should appear in February or March.
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Related: 20 Tropical Flowers You Can Grow Indoors
Rex begonias are easy-care plants that produce small pink or white flowers several times a year. However, during the rest of the year, you can enjoy the spectacular pattern of brightly colored leaves. Provide bright indirect light and water when the soil surface becomes dry. They prefer to be slightly damp, not soaking wet.
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Related: How to Care for Begonia Rex Plants
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