As the weather gets warmer, plant lovers look forward to seeing spring flowers and flowering trees in full bloom. But if you don't have a backyard or patio, growing flowering plants can be a challenge. Luckily, there's a houseplant that can thrive indoors and provide plenty of spring color: the Easter cactus.
Like its cousins, the Christmas and Thanksgiving cacti, the Easter cactus is a plant of the Schlumbergera genus that blooms around the holiday for which it is named. Between March and May, the Easter cactus produces beautiful hot pink, star-like flowers that last for several weeks. With proper care, these pink flowers will continue to bloom year after year. Read on for the complete guide to Easter cacti.
How to Care for an Easter Cactus
Growing and caring for Easter cacti is actually quite easy. They grow on the forest floor, can tolerate some shade and don't require frequent watering.
Easter cacti grow well in indirect sunlight, so we recommend placing this plant in a room that gets full sun all day long, but keep it away from windows as direct sunlight can burn the leaves.
Easter cacti are especially susceptible to waterlogging and root rot, so allow the soil to dry out almost completely between waterings. When the soil feels dry to the touch, water it thoroughly until water runs out the bottom.
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Easter cacti do best in a well-draining succulent potting soil that will help with moisture management. If you have standard potting soil at home, try adding some drainage rocks to the bottom of the container or adding perlite to the potting soil before planting your plant.
Temperature and Humidity
Unlike many other types of cacti, Easter cactus thrives in cool temperatures. It needs temperatures to drop to 55 to 60 degrees Fahrenheit at night in preparation for flowering. A humid environment is ideal, and standard household humidity levels are sufficient. If you live in a dry area or your home is particularly dry, try using a humidifier, mist spray, or pebble tray to increase humidity for your Easter cactus.
How often does an Easter Cactus bloom?
Easter cacti are perennial flowering houseplants, so if they're healthy, they'll flower every year, usually around the time of the Easter holidays between March and May, and will continue to bloom for about two to four weeks.
How to Propagate Easter Cactus
Propagating an Easter cactus is surprisingly easy: just pick a section of the stem, let it dry for a few days, then place the cut end in a pot filled with potting soil (ideally made for succulents) and water thoroughly. Within a few weeks, new leaf sections should appear.
What is the difference between Easter and Christmas cactus?
The main difference between Easter cacti and other holiday cacti, such as Christmas or Thanksgiving varieties, is their flowering time: Easter cacti flower in the spring, often around Easter, between March and May, while Christmas cacti, as the name suggests, flower in December, around Christmas time.
Frequently Asked Questions about Easter Cactus
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Is it easy to care for an Easter Cactus?
Yes, Easter cacti are very easy to care for and are great for beginner plant lovers. Provide them with bright, indirect sunlight during the day and water them only when the top layer of the soil feels dry. Be careful not to water them too frequently or leave them with standing water, a common beginner mistake.
Why isn't my Easter cactus blooming?
Temperature probably has something to do with it: Easter cacti need cool nights to set flower buds. About two months before flowering, when nighttime temperatures are hovering between 55 and 60 degrees, try placing your plant outside or near a cool window. Then, when the weather warms up a bit, move it to a spot with plenty of indirect sunlight to encourage flowering.
How long do Easter cacti live?
With proper care, Easter cacti can live up to 10 years and flower every year.