One of the easiest indoor plants to care for, money trees are ideal for new plant parents or green veterans looking to get away from the hassle of everyday life. Caring for a money tree is easy. Like snake plants and philodendrons, money trees can tolerate occasional forgetting to water them. Adapts to different sunlight conditions and can be used in dark places. Native to Central and South America, the money tree grows over 60 feet tall in its natural habitat. Indoor money trees don't need to be pruned to keep them in check, but they can still reach an impressive 6 feet in height. And with every inch of greenery, this tall, shiny, handsome houseplant will reward your efforts.
The money tree may cheer you up in another way. The money tree is rumored to bring prosperity, abundance, and good luck to your life (hence the name), so consider a money tree as a good luck gift for a graduate or friend starting a new life. Wood is the best choice. chapter of life. It's always a great idea to buy some for yourself to bring some goodness into your home. Read this article to learn how to care for your money tree and learn tips to keep your money tree happy and healthy.
Why is a money tree considered lucky?
The money tree, also known as Pachira aquatica, is considered a symbol of good luck and prosperity, but it didn't have that meaning for very long. According to Bloomscape, this belief does not date back centuries as you might imagine, but rather dates back to the 1980s. The braided money tree as we know it was actually first grown by a truck driver in Taiwan and quickly became popular among Feng Shui practitioners in Asia.
Money tree plant care basics
Caring for your money tree is easy if you know and follow the basics. Learn how to keep your money tree growing without dropping its leaves or turning brown.
Money trees prefer bright, indirect light, so they should be placed near sunny windows facing east, west, or south. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during the hottest months of the year, as this can burn the leaves. That's because the small money tree you grow indoors is a young plant. In nature, tall trees in forests block direct sunlight.
As your money tree grows, it will begin to stretch toward the sun, so be sure to rotate the plant regularly to ensure even growth.
Money trees grow in wetlands, but they don't like to stay wet. Water your money tree every 1-2 weeks until the water runs out from the bottom of the pot, allowing the soil to mostly dry out between waterings. Watering frequency may vary depending on the conditions in your home. The best way to tell if your money tree needs water is to stick your finger in the soil. If it still feels wet, wait a few days and check again before watering. Also, after each watering, dump the saucer under the plant once the water has drained.
temperature and humidity
Money trees are tropical plants, so they grow best in warm environments between 65 degrees and 85 degrees. To increase the humidity to about 50%, which your money tree prefers, use a humidifier or group other houseplants near your money tree. They transpire (release water vapor) and are mutually beneficial. No matter how many times you hear or read this suggestion, misting is actually not an effective way to increase humidity.
Soča // Getty Images
Need to weave a money tree?
Money tree plants do not need to be woven, but most modern money trees are woven to give them a more solid trunk when purchased. Braided money trees are actually multiple plants whose trunks are flexibly woven together during growth. If you would like to braid the plant, gently braid the stems together and tie the top strings together loosely. Continue this process as the tree grows.
How to prune and grow a money tree
Money tree plants traditionally have rounded tops, but you can keep the plant thriving and even encourage new growth by letting the plant do its thing and pruning only the problem areas. If desired, you can also prune the plant to keep it small. Regular pruning of the lower leaves also helps encourage new growth at the top of the plant.
The easiest time to propagate a money tree is in spring or summer, when the plant is actively growing. Here's how to properly cut trimmings for propagation.
Cut a segment at least 4 inches long from a healthy stem, making sure it contains new nodes. Remove the lower leaves and place the cutting in a cup or bowl of water. Soak only the bottom. Once the cuttings have sprouted roots, they can be planted in regular potting soil.
Money Tree Common Problems
Money trees are prone to insects such as aphids and scale, but applying neem oil usually resolves these problems. These pests can cause major damage to your plants, so treat them as soon as you see them to avoid loose, drooping, or wilting leaves.
yellow or brown leaves
Yellowing or browning of the leaves usually indicates that your money tree is getting too much water or not enough water. If the leaves are discolored and curled, it's not enough water. Look at the trunk for signs of overwatering.
soft stem or trunk
If your plant's stems and trunks are too soft (slightly squishy to the touch), you are overwatering. Place it in a bright sunny spot and give it a break from your regular watering schedule.
long-legged branches
If you notice that it is not producing new leaves, it is not getting enough light. A new location, additional fertilizer or plant food, or grow lights may help.
Where to buy money tree
We recommend these places to buy money trees online. Many of them allow you to customize your planter and choose your size. It's also a good idea to go to a local nursery school.
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Money Tree Care Frequently Asked Questions
Is money tree poisonous?
No, money trees are safe for pets and humans. However, we do not recommend eating it.
Does the money tree bloom?
When grown outdoors, money trees can produce yellow-white flowers through pollination. This tree does not bloom indoors because it requires bees and other pollinators.
How long does a money tree plant live?
With proper care and growing conditions, money trees can live for more than 10 years.