Winter is known as a quiet season in gardens because most outdoor plants don't grow much. The same goes for indoor gardens. Of course, houseplants don't have to endure snow or cold winds blowing across the landscape. However, during the cold and dark months of the year, the growing conditions inside your home change subtly. To keep your houseplants healthy and growing, you need to adjust the way you care for them during the winter. Use these tips to help your leafy friends continue to fill your home with their greenery and natural beauty even through the depths of winter.
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1. Reduce watering.
“There's less light in the winter, and less light generally means less water,” says Erin Marino of The Sill. The more sunlight a plant receives, Marino explains, the more it becomes thirsty over time. Due to limited sunlight in winter, less water is used than in spring and summer when plants are actively growing. “Plants that were watered every week in the summer may now be better off without water for two weeks,” Marino says. To avoid the temptation of overwatering, choose a smaller watering can (like this Better Homes & Gardens Copper Colors Watering Can 0.71 Gal, $15, Walmart).
Rather than following a schedule, it's a good idea to check how the potting mix feels before watering. Insert your finger at least an inch into the soil. If it is dry, water the plant thoroughly. If it's wet, wait a few days and check the soil again. If you don't want to get your fingers dirty, use a moisture meter. “Remember, it's easier to add water than to remove it, so if you want to be extra careful, lean toward adding water,” says Marino.
2. Be careful of sunlight.
When the sun rises later and sets earlier, plants receive less sunlight than in spring and summer. If possible, you may want to move the plant closer to a window so it can take advantage of as much light as possible. If you have it on the floor, consider placing it on a plant stand (like this Better Homes & Gardens 12-Inch Dia Willow Sage Beige Planter, $23, Walmart) to bring it closer to natural light. Rotate the pot a quarter turn every week to give the plant occasional sunlight on all sides. Most plants will do just fine if you can't increase light levels. “Indoor plants adapt to seasonal changes outdoors,” Marino says.
3. There is no need to worry about some fallen leaves.
“If you bring a houseplant back indoors after spending the summer outdoors, it's likely to shed its leaves,” says Marino. “This is completely normal as it's adapted to the lower light levels when you're indoors.” If you keep your plant indoors year-round, it's also normal for it to shed a small amount of leaves in the winter. says Marino. Falling leaves due to winter is a way houseplants prepare for lower light levels and is nothing to worry about.
4. Avoid extreme temperatures.
A normal indoor temperature that you're comfortable with is fine for most houseplants during the winter. However, extreme temperature changes, even for short periods of time, can cause problems. Keep plants away from cold drafts, radiators, and hot air vents. “Sudden heat or cold drafts can stress plants and cause them to suffer cold damage or dry out,” Marino says.
5. Pause fertilizer.
Most houseplants go on hiatus in the winter. They tend to grow little, if at all. Fertilizer is not required as it does not produce new leaves or stems. Stop fertilizing in the fall and resume fertilizing again in the spring when the plants receive more sunlight and are actively growing again.
6. Patrol for houseplant pests.
Winter is a time when small sap-sucking insects such as aphids and scale insects are more likely to appear. Spider mites are also a common winter pest, as they prefer warm, dry conditions. Every time you water, turn the plant's leaves over and examine the underside. Check along the stem. If you find any pests, wipe them off with your fingers or a cotton ball soaked in alcohol. For large infestations, safer options for getting rid of houseplant pests are insecticidal soap and neem oil.
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7. Increase humidity.
During the winter, the air inside heated homes tends to be dry. Most houseplants, especially those native to tropical regions of the world, grow best when humidity levels are between 40 and 50 percent, but indoor humidity levels in the winter are typically between 10 and 20 percent. An easy way to increase the humidity around your plants is to cluster them together. Water evaporating from the potting soil and naturally lost through the leaves increases the relative humidity around the plant.
Another easy way to increase humidity is to place your plant in a tray filled with pebbles and water. The bottom of the pot should be above the water level to prevent root rot. As the water evaporates, it creates a more humid microclimate for your houseplants.
Tips for testing your garden: Misting plants is not an effective way to increase humidity. Research has shown that misting must be done multiple times a day to increase humidity levels enough to make a difference. It is better to have a humidifier nearby.
8. Keep leaves clean.
Remove dust and dirt from the leaves and make the most of the limited winter sunlight before planting. Microfiber dusting gloves are useful for large leaves, but a damp cloth will also work for wiping each leaf individually. Alternatively, simply give the entire plant a quick rinse in the shower and remove the leaves.
9. Don't repot your houseplants.
Plants are suitable for repotting when they are actively growing. That's why spring and summer are the best times to repot houseplants. You may want to add soil and repot in the middle of winter. Resist the urge to do so, as you might shock your dormant or dormant houseplants (try starting some seeds to relieve the heat in your coop instead).