When it comes to caring for spider plants, you don't need a green thumb to grow them indoors. One of the world's most popular houseplants, the spider plant is known for its easy care, distinctive long, spiky striped leaves, baby spider plants (technically known as “offset” ”) are loved by plant parents for their runners (technically called “offsets”) that suspend them in the air. Gardeners share spider plant care tips to help your plants grow, including how to repot and deal with common problems.
spider plant
The spider plant Chlorophytum comosum, also known worldwide as the “airplane plant,” “ribbon plant,” and “spider ivy,” is a tropical evergreen perennial. Native to Africa, it is found growing in a wide area from South Africa as far north as Cameroon and Ethiopia.
Spider plants belong to the Asparagaceae family, which also includes the popular landscape plants agave, hosta, sansevieria, yucca, and monkey grass (liriope).
How to repot a spider plant
Spider plants generally need to be repotted about once every two years, but it's important to do this first. After purchasing the plant, here are the steps to transfer your spider plant to a new pot.
Step 1: Select a new pot
Unless you purchased your spider plant already in a decorative container, it will likely be in a temporary plastic container that is unattractive and less than ideal for the plant. Plastic restricts air circulation and can eventually cause plants to rot. Instead of plastic, choose a porous container, such as terracotta, and make sure it has drainage holes. Spider plants hate sitting in standing water.
Step 2: Drain and prepare for transplantation
To maximize drainage, fill the bottom of the pot with about an inch of orchid bark or peat moss. Repot the plant without disturbing the roots as much as possible, add potting soil if necessary, and provide the plant with good water.
You don't have to hang your spider plant, but doing so will make the naturally drooping leaves look beautiful and give the plant extra space. It looks great on a plant stand or cascading down from a shelf. If you place your spider plant on a surface rather than hanging it, be careful not to crush the leaves.
How to care for an indoor spider plant
Once repotted, new spider plants don't require much maintenance. Horticulturist Bliss Bendal suggests rotating the pot regularly to avoid constant sunlight on one side. It is also important not to place spider plants directly on or in front of a heater or air conditioner. A temperature of 65-75°F is ideal.
“Mist the plants with distilled water that has been allowed to sit for 24 hours,” Bendal says. “If your plants get plenty of sunlight, we highly recommend doing this first thing in the morning after sunrise or an hour or two before sunset. This will prevent your plants from getting burnt or getting too cold. It won't get wet or damp.
sunlight requirements
Unlike low-light plants, “spider plants prefer bright to moderate indirect sunlight, but that doesn't mean they can't survive without sunlight,” Bendal says. “Established spider plants can adapt to different types of light if they are watered to suit their specific environment.”
water requirement
Every spider plant has its own water needs. Bendal's rule of thumb is to wait until the top 2 inches of soil is dry, but not completely. Also, avoid watering during peak sunlight hours. “If you water a spider plant when the sun is high or when the light is shining directly on the plant, the plant will burn,” says Bendal.
“Measure the soil dryness between waterings once a week for the first month to get a feel for how quickly water evaporates from the soil in your home or office,” says Bendal. I would like to suggest. When there is more sunlight, as in the summer, water evaporates faster and the soil dries faster, so the need for watering the plant can become more frequent.
“If you water and your plant feels heavier than it was before watering, let the water drain out of the hole for at least a minute or two,” says Bendal. “Over time, you'll get used to the changes in the weight of your plants and know when to water them.”
If in doubt, it's best not to overwater your spider plant. “Wait a day or two and test the soil again. Overwatering is more harmful than waiting too long between waterings,” Bendal says. It can be difficult to know how often to water, so consider purchasing a soil moisture meter ($11 at Amazon.com). This is a cheap and easy method that requires no guesswork.
Common problems with arachnids
As long as you keep it under favorable conditions such as temperature, light, and moisture, you are unlikely to have any problems with your spider plant. Still, problems occur. Here we will tell you what to do about some of them.
yellow leaves
If your spider plant's leaves start to turn yellow or lime green, overwatering is likely the culprit, and is usually an easy fix. “Move the plant to a more shady spot and make sure the topsoil is dry before watering again,” Bendal recommends. Next, remove all yellow leaves.
brown leaves
If you notice the leaves turning brown, you may be giving your spider too much tap water. The high salt levels in tap water are toxic to tropical plants such as spiders, so dry tap water and switch to distilled water if possible.
If only the tips of the leaves are brown, your spider plant is probably okay and can be trimmed. “Make sure to cut off the brown tips using sharp, sterile pruning shears or a florist's knife,” Bendal says. “If you cut it diagonally, it will recreate the shape of a pointed leaf tip. It will form a scab and look like nothing happened.”
Bendal recommends avoiding pruning spider plants in the winter. “During the cold season, plants go dormant and need all their chlorophyll to nourish themselves and survive,” she explains. “If you have to cut the leaves (in the winter), know that it's dangerous. Do it during the spring and summer growing seasons.”
wilted leaves
If the leaves are completely wilted, your spider plant may be too dead. Bendal suggests waiting 10 days to see what happens. If no progress is made, it is likely that the plant will not be salvageable.
spread of bugs
Despite its name, spider plants do not attract spiders or other insects. However, (like most plants) it can suffer from insect infestation. Common infestations of spider plants can be caused by scale insects, aphids, mites and whiteflies. Most pests can be controlled by applying horticultural neem oil according to label directions.
increase baby spider plants
A distinctive feature of spider plants is the small offset from which they germinate. “They're called puppies, they're like newborn babies,” says Bendal, who recommends leaving them alone if you don't want to grow new plants. Spider plants can be propagated by seeds or division, but it's easier, less messy, and more fun to start a new spider plant using offsets.
“While the puppies are still attached to their mother, they are planted in lightweight, well-drained soil,” she explains. “Wait to separate until the pup is independent, then separate. You'll know the pup is established if you see new growth.”
Alternatively, you can use the same technique to plant several babies in the same pot as the mother, Bendal says. “This is useful if you want to bury a mature plant and make it a little thicker.”
Troubleshooting spider plants without babies
There are several reasons why spider plants may not create offsets.
Artificial lighting. Arachnids are sensitive to day length. Three weeks of short days trigger new bud development, so if you have artificial light that doesn't accommodate the reduced day length in winter, flowers may not develop and may be offset. It is not a potted plant. If the roots have plenty of room to grow, like a newly replanted plant, the plant will not feel the need to produce an offset. I'm still too young. Spider plants do not produce offsets until their root systems are fully established, which may take several years. It is under duress. If it's too hot or cold, too wet or dry, too sunny or too shady, spider plants may not want to reproduce. If you give the plant favorable conditions, it may bounce back quickly.
Can I grow spider plants outdoors?
Despite its popularity as a houseplant, spider plants can be grown outdoors in USDA zones 9 through 11 as an evergreen perennial. Can also grow in zone 8. In zone 8, the leaves die back in the winter and bud again in the spring. If you display your spider plant outdoors in the summer, avoid excessive direct sunlight. Bring indoors when temperatures drop below 55°F or above 80°F.
Can spider plants help clean the air?
NASA's 1989 study and others have shown that houseplants like spider plants can remove toxins from the air, but there is disagreement about their effectiveness. More recent studies state that spider plants reduce carbon dioxide levels in the air by only 0.1 percent.
Still, incorporating some houseplants (like spider plants) into your home can improve air quality. That's because plants typically absorb pollutants from the air through the respiration process, which takes in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen.
Is spider plant good for anxiety?
It is well known that houseplants have a certain relaxing effect. Research shows that just looking at plants can reduce stress levels. This also applies to spider plants, which are easy to care for and beautiful to look at.