The Portrait Light is battery-powered and wireless, so you don't need to hire an electrician or install it yourself. Each unit operates at 3 AAA (get your 36-pack here before you forget!) and use the included remote control to set the lights to different brightness levels, 15, 30, 60 , or schedule a 120-minute timer.
PS: If you want an antique look but don't have the budget for vintage, I saw a TikToker DIY this using a gold Rub 'n Buff metallic finish and old makeup brushes, and it was really cool. It was.
Promising review: “You can't get much better at this price. Very easy to install and lightweight. The gold had a slight orange tint so be aware of that. , I just taped it over the light and spray painted it gold.'' I used some leftover spray paint and it came out perfect. ” —Paris Seder
Price: $28.99 (available in 3 finishes).