There are two things we deeply love in life. It's plants and pets. That's why we look for pet-friendly plants that won't threaten your fur babies with gnawing. For the uninitiated, yes, certain plants are toxic to pets and can cause seizures, tremors, or worse in some cases. Even the best-behaved animals will chew on your houseplants at some point. So we asked New Jersey veterinarian Judy Morgan for advice on how to choose plants that won't harm our four-legged friends. It is alive. We highly recommend adding greenery to your home to help clean the air and improve your mood, while also ensuring the safety of your furry friends. Then read on for 22 of our favorite plants that are kosher and pet-safe for cats and dogs. It also includes all the tips you need to keep your new plants happy in your home environment.
PS If you want to know if certain houseplants are a safe investment for your home, the ASPCA also has an extensive list of plants to avoid (including both indoor and outdoor plants). If you're already thinking about what kind of plants you'd like to have in your space, click the link below.
1. Chinese Money Plant (Pilea peperomioides)
Strong Points:
Have fun and enjoy growing unique leaves.
Tends to grow asymmetrically if not diligently rotated
Chinese money trees are non-toxic, exotic, and sprout babies like no one else's business. And guess what? The baby is called a “puppy”. How perfect! The coin-like leaves are waxy and glossy and are perfectly happy with medium to bright light. And when you find puppies starting to grow, breed them and give them to your friends.
Care instructions:
Water your Pilea every 1-2 weeks and rotate your Pilea 180 degrees between waterings to help it grow more symmetrically.
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2. Money tree (Pachira aquatica)
Strong Points:
Hardy and resilient plants Fast growing plants
According to legend, a money tree brings good fortune and fortune to those who live in its space, making it the perfect housewarming gift for all your friends. Money trees are different from many other pet-friendly plants because they look like miniature trees, trunks, etc. Shiny leaves grow quickly, and the trunk is braided many times.
Care instructions:
The money tree is very resilient, so even if a cat knocks it or a dog's tail knocks it off its perch, it will survive. Place in medium to bright indirect light and water every 1 to 2 weeks.
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3. Hoya varieties
Strong Points:
A wide variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to choose from. It is elastic.
With thick leaves and woody stems, hoyas make a nice addition to any bright room in your home. There are dozens of varieties to choose from, and all of them should be treated more like succulents than traditional leafy houseplants. We're obsessed with Hoya carnosa, which has splashes of pink, white, and red on its unfolding leaves. You can find heart-shaped ascidians, varieties with narrow tubular leaves (called Ascidians linearis), and even curly ascidians that look like ribbons.
Care instructions:
If the hoya is in a bright corner, it needs to be watered more often. Hoyas can tolerate low light, but they grow faster in high light environments (and variegated varieties have more vibrant colors). However, if the sea squirt is located in a low-light area, watering will only need to be done once a month. It's time to water when the leaves start to thin, wrinkle, and lose some of their luster.
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4. Rattlesnake Plant
Strong Points:
Beautiful wavy leaves. You can easily see when it needs maintenance.
Be careful with your light and watering schedule.
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