Avoid the guilt of forgetting to water your plants by growing drought-tolerant indoor plants that don't require frequent watering. These easy-care houseplants can tolerate some neglect (many prefer to keep them in dry areas). Enjoy the beautiful greenery without the stress of watering.
BHG / Madeline Goodnight
snake factory
jacob fox
The sword-like dark green leaves of the snake plant (Sansevieria trifasciata) are often accentuated with silver, cream, white, and yellow variegation, giving it a bold appearance. Even better, these low-water plants can survive for weeks without even a drizzle of moisture, making them perfect for forgetful gardeners. Snake plants tolerate low to bright light and grow up to 4 feet tall.
ponytail palm
jacob fox
Ponytail palms (Beaucarnea recurvata) can easily tolerate one or two missed waterings thanks to their thick, trunk-like stems that allow them to store water for long periods of time. The name comes from the elongated leaves that grow from the end of a single stem, resembling a ponytail that hangs down vigorously. This drought-tolerant indoor plant may need watering every few weeks during the warmer months, but during the winter he only needs watering every 3-4 weeks. Ponytail palms tolerate low to bright light and can eventually reach 10 feet in height (though growth can be limited by keeping them in small pots).
marty baldwin
Aloe (Aloe vera), a spiky succulent with plump, toothed leaves, is famous for its ability to soothe burns. These are easy-care indoor plants that don't require frequent watering, so you can let the soil dry out between waterings. Aloe plants, like other succulents, grow slowly, but with patience they can reach 3 feet in height and width. Please store it in a place with bright light. However, do not place it in direct sunlight. Do not place it in direct sunlight. Otherwise, your plants may get sunburned.
Brow's tail
marty baldwin
Look at burro's tail (Sedum morganianum) and you'll see how this gray-green succulent got its name. A member of the Sedum genus, burro tails have lush, almost jelly bean-shaped leaves that overlap the trailing stem. Small leaves fall off easily. If desired, start new plants by potting them. Water this houseplant like you would any other succulent (make sure the soil is dry before watering) and place it in a bright light spot. With proper care, a burro's tail can eventually reach several feet in length.
sago palm
Peter Krumhardt
The slow-growing sago palm (Cycas revoluta) is one of the popular and durable houseplants because it doesn't require frequent watering and is easy to care for. Adds a tropical feel to any room. The leathery, dark green leaves of the mature plant grow up to 3 feet long. Sago palms prefer well-drained soil, so if you forget to water them, they won't die, but if you overwater them, they will die. Give your palms a drink when they feel dry and place them in medium to bright light. It can eventually grow up to 5 feet tall.
adam albright
A popular home and office plant, the pothos (Epipremnum aureum) is a hardy, drought-tolerant houseplant with attractive, glossy foliage. The vines can spread up to 8 feet or more, and you can find varieties with variegated (look for 'Marble Queen') or bright green leaves (such as 'Neon'). Pothos gained its popularity because it is one of the most durable plants that does not require daily watering. Tolerates low to bright light and drought between watering. Starting new plants from cuttings is also very easy.
marty baldwin
Commonly known as the zebra plant for its white-striped leaves, Haworthia fasciata is perfect for dressing up your windowsill. It is one of the simplest houseplants that does not require water and grows well with minimal care. They tend to be less than a foot tall and wide, and are usually even more compact. Like most succulents, zebra plants grow best in bright light and prefer when the soil in the pot is slightly dry between waterings. It is popular in modern interiors because of its unique spike and striped coloring.
cast iron factory
marty baldwin
As you might guess from its common name, cast iron plants (Aspidistra elatioor) are virtually indestructible. If you're struggling to keep plants alive, this hearty houseplant tolerates low light, low humidity, and infrequent watering. It has wide, dark green leaves, and some varieties have variegated leaves. Cast iron plants are also popular in outdoor gardens where temperatures are above freezing. It tends to grow to about 2 feet in height and width.
Ox tongue
jason donnelly
The rough-textured, gray-green leaves of ox tongue (Gasteria bicolor) make a unique addition to your indoor plant collection. These drought-tolerant plants require little water but bright light to thrive, and when they get enough, cow's tongue produces spikes of pinkish-red flowers in the spring. . In winter, this hardy plant can go weeks without watering. They tend to be small but can reach a height of 3 feet under the right conditions.
ZZ plant
jason donnelly
The leathery leaves of the ZZ plant (Zamioculcas zamiifolia) are so hard and shiny that they almost look like plastic. ZZ plants require a little more care than fake plants. These are plants that only require water occasionally. This drought-tolerant houseplant does best in bright light, but can also tolerate dark areas in your home. All ZZ plant varieties are slow growing, but eventually grow to 3 feet tall and wide.
jade plant
marty baldwin
The thick stems and plump leaves of the jade family (Crassula ovata) grow into a small tree-like shape over time. However, it is a drought-tolerant succulent, so there is no need to worry about watering it until the soil in the pot is almost completely dry. When you move it outdoors during the summer, the extra sun and warm temperatures will trigger a growth spurt that will help the plant reach its maximum height of 6 feet.
bunny ear cactus
marty baldwin
As its name suggests, the rabbit ear cactus (Opuntia microdasys) grows long, flat pads that resemble rabbit ears. This cute, drought-tolerant cactus doesn't have sharp spines, but its pads are dotted with hairy thorns that can irritate the skin when brushed off. When given plenty of bright light, the rabbit-eared cactus produces lemon-yellow flowers in the spring and can grow up to 2 feet tall.
bishop's cap cactus
ChViroj/Getty Images
The Bishop's Cap cactus (Astrophytum myriostigma) stands out for its interesting star shape and blue-green color, in addition to being nearly spineless. If placed near a south-facing window, it may produce small yellow flowers in spring. Like most cacti, Bishop's Cap is a drought-tolerant indoor plant that requires no water except when the soil in its pot feels completely dry. Although it remains small, especially in small containers, this cactus can grow up to 4 feet tall.
panda plant
marty baldwin
The panda plant (Kalanchoe tomentosa) is not only fun to look at, but also fun to touch. The silvery leaves are soft and furry, with a felt-like texture. Make sure this lively houseplant gets plenty of bright light and allow the soil to dry out between waterings. Over time, panda plants can grow up to 3 feet tall.
living stone
Getty Images
Living stones (Lithops spp.) are not only low-water plants, but they are also one of the most unique succulents that can be grown indoors. They almost look like pebbles, so they require just as much care as actual rocks. Keep it in a brightly lit area and water every few weeks in late spring and summer, and stop watering thoroughly during winter dormancy. Living stones don't grow more than 1 to 2 inches tall, but because they have an extensive root system, they're best kept in pots with plenty of space.
corn factory
jacob fox
Dracaena Fragrance is commonly known as the corn plant, although it is not related to the food crop from which it takes its name, although its band-like green leaves resemble corn. You can also find varieties with silver or chartreuse variegation. This easy-care houseplant can tolerate a little less watering, but will quickly bounce back if it gets too dry. If grown in bright light, it can reach 3 feet in height (though it will tolerate low light as well).
golden barrel cactus
Thaddeus Zuidwich/Getty Images
If you live in an area that is warm year-round, you may see the popular golden barrel cactus (Echinocactus grusonii) planted in your outdoor garden. But fortunately, those who have to deal with snow and ice every year can also grow it as a houseplant. This drought-tolerant plant differs from other cacti with its long golden-yellow spines. Although it grows slowly, it can eventually reach a height of 1 foot if given enough bright light.